Covid-19 Vaccination

Covid Vaccination Program – AstraZeneca & Pfizer Vaccine
We are very delighted to be part of the Vaccination Rollout Program starting in. This initial vaccination phase is aimed to provide safe vaccine delivery for all individuals aged over 40 & all high-risk individuals including healthcare workers & people with medical conditions.
If you have previously attended West Cessnock Medical Practice, please call us at 02 4991 5550 or Use our online booking system when available
All New Patients Booking for Pfizer Vaccination would be only via our Online Appointment system
Online Booking – via Hotdoc Platform
We will make Pfizer Online Booking available when we receive our Vaccine stock each week.
Please see this link to check the appointment availability. Please kindly avoid calling us if no online appointments are available unless you are an age care facility staff ( Proof of Employment is required ).
If you are a Residential Age Care Facility staff & require to have your Vaccination as per your work requirement , please call us to discuss your options & prioritise your vaccination.
We are proud to be equipped with a high number of trained administrative & nursing staff, all factsheets & educational material, high volume vaccine storage capacity, fast track vaccination process, easy access & car park facility, disable access toilets to facilitate the safe delivery of the covid vaccine to our community.
This vaccination will be provided by a dedicated vaccination team in a separate & an allocated space adjacent to the main practice to prevent any interruption with West Cessnock Medical Practice everyday function & our patient care while servicing a large number of people for vaccinations